Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Fall Formal

It is almost time for fall formal! Our homeschool group is hosting the dance on Friday in our gymnasium. My wife and I will be going as a chaperones. I have three kids going to the dance this year, and they are having an after party at our house after the dance, SO the kids and the wife are getting the house ready for company while I do homework. This is the first dance in YEARS that I haven't been involved in, and it's kinda nice not having to worry about it.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

The struggle is real

Now that FrightFest has ended our Homeschool is getting back to normal. Chris is a senior, and worked FrightFest at Six Flags EVERY weekend in October. He's had a rough time keeping up with his school work while working at Frightfest, because he left on Friday & was gone all weekend.

It is a family traditional to work FrightFest, so he kinda had to do it. Both his older brothers worked there gone back to 2009. They have been pig-men, zombies, vampires, maniacs and now a mutant clown. You gotta love getting paid $9.65/hour to scare teen girls. :D